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Writer's pictureDale Thele

Research and Novel Writing


Research plays a pivotal role in the art of novel writing, serving as the foundation upon which rich and immersive narratives are built. By delving into various realms of knowledge, from historical events to cultural nuances and character intricacies, writers can breathe life into their stories and transport readers to captivating worlds. In this article, we will explore the essential aspects of researching a novel, ranging from selecting appropriate tools and resources to the ethical considerations of blending fact with fiction. Understanding the significance of research and mastering its techniques can elevate the quality of storytelling and lend authenticity to the writer's creative vision.

1. Understanding the Importance of Research in Novel Writing

The Role of Research in Crafting Believable Narratives

Research is the unsung hero of novel writing, secretly pulling the strings to make your story believable. It's like the behind-the-scenes magician ensuring that your readers are not left scratching their heads in confusion when your protagonist suddenly becomes a rocket scientist without any prior hint of scientific acumen.

Benefits of Comprehensive Research for Plot Development

Imagine your plot as a delicate soufflé —without proper research, it might collapse into a sad, soggy mess. Thorough research adds layers of depth to your storyline and helps avoid those cringe-worthy moments when a character miraculously solves a complex mystery with a mere flick of the wrist.

2. Choosing the Right Research Tools and Resources

Utilizing Online Databases and Libraries

In the digital age, research is just a click away. Online databases and libraries are treasure troves of information waiting to be plundered for the sake of your literary masterpiece. Gone are the days of dusty tomes and tedious manual searches - embrace the power of the internet!

I depend heavily on search engines when doing my research. Some manuscripts require more research than others. I always start with a printed monthly calendar of the time period my manuscript is set. From there, my research begins.

Engaging with Subject Matter Experts and Professionals

Sometimes Google just won't cut it. When you need that extra oomph of authenticity in your writing, don your Sherlock Holmes cap and contact real-life experts. From forensic scientists to medieval historians, these individuals can provide insights that no amount of online research can match.

3. Conducting In-Depth Character Research

Developing Character Profiles through Detailed Research

Your characters are more than just names on a page - they are living, breathing entities that deserve the same attention as your favorite houseplant. Dive deep into their backgrounds, quirks, and motivations through research, and watch as they blossom into fully-fledged beings that leap off the page.

Exploring Psychological and Emotional Depth through Research

Psychological depth isn't just for Freudian analysts - it's crucial for creating characters that resonate with readers. By delving into the intricacies of the human mind and heart through research, you can infuse your characters with complexities that will have your readers nodding in empathy or gasping in surprise.

4. Immersing Yourself in Setting and World-Building Research

Capturing Authenticity through Detailed Setting Descriptions

Readers don't just want to see your world - they want to smell the musty air in that ancient castle, feel the gritty sand between their toes in that post-apocalyptic wasteland, and taste the tantalizing street food in that bustling city. Detailed setting descriptions grounded in research can transport your readers to a different realm altogether.

To write the interior story of MASKED IDENTITIES, I had to learn the layout of Victorian London. I printed a patchwork map of the city and taped it to the wall. Common terms, slang, and phrases of the period were necessary to make the dialogue believable. I researched events, entertainment, and a myriad of other details to create a believable story. In all, I spent over three months doing nothing but researching Victorian London.

Creating Rich and Vibrant Worlds through Thematic Research

A richly textured world doesn't happen by chance—it's the result of meticulous thematic research. Whether you're crafting a dystopian future or a whimsical fantasy land, infusing your world with cohesive themes drawn from in-depth research can elevate your novel from mundane to mesmerizing.

5. Incorporating Historical and Cultural Research

Integrating Historical Events and Context into Plot Lines

When weaving historical events into your novel, consider them seasoning rather than the whole dish. Sprinkle in details to enhance your plot lines and immerse readers in the period.

Whenever possible, I like to incorporate historical events into my manuscripts. Surprisingly, I discovered several significant historical events in or near the timeline I established for my MASKED IDENTITIES manuscript. These events strengthened my storyline and gave me extra material to work with.

Capturing Diversity and Inclusivity through Cultural Research

Researching different cultures can add layers to your story. From traditions to cuisine, embracing diversity enriches your narrative and ensures inclusivity in your writing.

6. Balancing Fact and Fiction: Navigating Ethical Research Practices

Ensuring Accuracy and Authenticity in Depicting Real-World Elements

Striking a balance between fact and fiction is vital. While creative liberties are allowed, grounding your story in realistic details lends credibility to your writing.

The manuscript I'm currently working on, EZEKIEL AND ABRAHIM: GHOSTS OF LOST CREEK JUNCTION, incorporates real-world and fictional locations.

Navigating Sensitive Topics with Respect and Sensitivity

Handle sensitive topics with care. Approach them with empathy and research thoroughly to portray them accurately and respectfully in your novel.

7. Leveraging Personal Experiences and Interviews for Authenticity

Drawing Inspiration from Personal Stories and Memories

Your personal experiences can be a goldmine for authentic storytelling. Infuse your novel with emotions and perspectives from your life to create relatable characters and scenes.

Conducting Interviews for Real-Life Perspectives and Insights

Interviews offer firsthand insights that can breathe life into your characters and settings. Engaging with diverse voices helps you depict various authentic experiences in your novel.


As we conclude our exploration of the art of researching for a novel, it is evident that thorough research is the cornerstone of creating compelling and authentic literary works. By immersing oneself in the depths of character studies, setting descriptions, historical contexts, and personal interviews, writers can infuse their narratives with depth and realism. Balancing factual accuracy with creative interpretation allows for a harmonious blend of truth and imagination that captivates readers and resonates long after turning the final page. Embracing the power of research empowers writers to craft stories that endure, leaving a lasting impact on both the writer and the audience.

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Dale Thele, Bestselling Fiction Author

Bestselling Fiction Author

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